Create KL730 Multiple Models Example

1. Download Source Code

  1. Download the latest into Windows/Ubuntu from It is located at Kneron PLUS section.

  2. Unzip

    Note: {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH} will be used below for representing the unzipped folder path of PLUS.

  3. Please contact Kneron to obtain the latest

    Note: KL730 SDK can only be developed on Ubuntu

  4. Unzip

    Note: {KL730_SDK_TOP_FOLDER_PATH} will be used below for representing the unzipped folder path of KL730 Develop Package.

  5. Unzip {KL730_SDK_TOP_FOLDER_PATH}/03_SDK/02_Software_Tool_Kit/sdk_vX.X.X.tar.gz

    Note: {KL730_SDK_FOLDER_PATH} will be used below for representing the unzipped folder path of KL730 SDK.

2. PLUS (Software) Development

  1. Create my_KL730_mul_example folder

    $ cd {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH}/examples/
    $ mkdir my_KL730_mul_example
  2. Add CMakelists.txt

    # build with current *.c/*.cpp plus common source files in parent folder
    # executable name is current folder name.
    get_filename_component(app_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
    string(REPLACE " " "_" app_name ${app_name})
    file(GLOB local_src
    target_link_libraries(${app_name} ${KPLUS_LIB_NAME} ${USB_LIB} ${MATH_LIB} pthread)
  3. Add my_KL730_mul_example.h

    • Please define the customized header structure and customized result structure in this file.

    • Header (my_KL730_mul_example_header_t) is used for sending data to SCPU firmware. What kind of data should be contained can be customized based on the your requirement.

    • Result (my_KL730_mul_example_result_t) is used for receiving data from SCPU firmware. What kind of data should be contained can be customized based on the output of model inference.

    • kp_inference_header_stamp_t must be contained in both header and result structures.

    • The JOB_ID describes the unique id of the task you want to execute in firmware, and it must be unique and above 1000.

    • This file should be synchronized with the .h file in SCPU firmware.

    #pragma once
    #define MY_KL730_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID 4003
    #define PD_BOX_MAX                  80
     * @brief describe a pedestrian detect classification result of one detected person
    typedef struct
        float pd_class_socre;   /**< a pedestrian classification score */
        kp_bounding_box_t pd;   /**< a pedestrian box information */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) one_pd_classification_result_t;
    * @brief describe a pedestrian detect classification output result
    typedef struct
        uint32_t box_count;                                     /**< boxes of all classes */
        one_pd_classification_result_t pds[PD_BOX_MAX];         /**< pedestrian detect information */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) pd_classification_result_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t width;
        uint32_t height;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_KL730_mul_example_header_t;
    // result (header + data) for 'Customize Inference Multiple Models'
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        pd_classification_result_t pd_classification_result;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_KL730_mul_example_result_t;
  4. Add my_KL730_mul_example.c

    • There are 5 steps for inferencing in Kneron AI device:

      1. Connect Kneron AI device.

      2. Upload the model to AI device.

      3. Prepare data for the header.

      4. Send the header and image buffer to SCPU firmware via kp_customized_inference_send().

      5. Receive the result from SCPU firmware via kp_customized_inference_receive().

    • In this example, the image is transcoded into RGB565, and the width and height of the image is carried by the header.

    • Sending header and receiving result can be executed sequentially or on two different threads.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include "kp_core.h"
    #include "kp_inference.h"
    #include "helper_functions.h"
    #include "my_KL730_mul_example.h"
    static char _scpu_fw_path[128] = "../../res/firmware/KL730/kp_firmware.tar";
    static char _model_file_path[128] = "../../res/models/KL730/YoloV5s480_256_3_pdc/models_730.nef";
    static char _image_file_path[128] = "../../res/images/travel_walk_480x256.bmp";
    static int _loop = 10;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        kp_device_group_t device;
    kp_model_nef_descriptor_t model_desc;
        // each device has a unique port ID, 0 for auto-search
        int port_id = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
        int ret;
        /******* connect the device *******/
            // internal parameter to indicate the desired port id
            if (argc > 1) {
                port_id = atoi(argv[1]);
            // connect device
            device = kp_connect_devices(1, &port_id, &error_code);
            if (!device) {
                printf("error ! connect device failed, port ID = '%d', error = '%d'\n", port_id, error_code);
            kp_set_timeout(device, 5000);
            printf("connect device ... OK\n");
        /******* upload firmware to device *******/
            ret = kp_load_firmware_from_file(device, _scpu_fw_path, NULL);
            if (ret != KP_SUCCESS)
                printf("error ! upload firmware failed, error = %d (%s)\n", ret, kp_error_string(ret));
            printf("upload firmware ... OK\n");
        /******* upload model to device *******/
            ret = kp_load_model_from_file(device, _model_file_path, &model_desc);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("error ! upload model failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            printf("upload model ... OK\n");
        /******* prepare the image buffer read from file *******/
        // here convert a bmp file to RGB565 format buffer
        int img_width, img_height;
        char *img_buf = helper_bmp_file_to_raw_buffer(_image_file_path, &img_width, &img_height, KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565);
        if (!img_buf) {
            printf("error ! read image file failed\n");
        printf("read image ... OK\n");
        printf("\nstarting inference loop %d times:\n", _loop);
        /******* prepare input and output header/buffers *******/
        my_KL730_mul_example_header_t input_header;
        my_KL730_mul_example_result_t output_result;
        pd_classification_result_t* pd_classification_result = &output_result.pd_classification_result;
        input_header.header_stamp.job_id = MY_KL730_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID;
        input_header.header_stamp.total_image = 1;
        input_header.header_stamp.image_index = 0;
        input_header.img_width = img_width;
        input_header.img_height = img_height;
        int header_size = sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_header_t);
        int image_size = img_width * img_height * 2; // RGB565
        int result_size = sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_result_t);
        int recv_size = 0;
        /******* starting inference work *******/
        for (int i = 0; i < _loop; i++) {
            ret = kp_customized_inference_send(device, (void *)&input_header, header_size, (uint8_t *)img_buf, image_size);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("\ninference failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            ret = kp_customized_inference_receive(device, (void *)&output_result, result_size, &recv_size);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("\ninference failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            printf("\n[loop %d]\n", i + 1);
            for (int j = 0; j < pd_classification_result->box_count; j++) {
                printf("Box %d (x1, y1, x2, y2, class, score, pb score) = (%d, %d), (%d, %d), %d, %f, %f\n",
                    j + 1,
        return 0;

3. Firmware Development for pedestrian detection + pedestrian classification

Note: For further information of KL730 VMF_NNM, please refer Vienna_NNM_Programming_Guide.pdf in {KL730_SDK_TOP_FOLDER_PATH}/03_SDK/01_Documents/

  1. Go to App Flow Folder {KL730_SDK_FOLDER_PATH}/apps/vmf_nnm/solution/app_flow

  2. Add my_KL730_mul_example_inf.h into include folder

    • The content of this file should be synchronized with my_KL730_mul_example.h in PLUS.
    #include "kp_struct.h"
    #include "model_res.h"
    #define MY_KL730_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID 4003
    #define PD_BOX_MAX                  80
     * @brief describe a pedestrian detect classification result of one detected person
    typedef struct
        float pd_class_socre;   /**< a pedestrian classification score */
        kp_bounding_box_t pd;   /**< a pedestrian box information */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) one_pd_classification_result_t;
    * @brief describe a pedestrian detect classification output result
    typedef struct
        uint32_t box_count;                                     /**< boxes of all classes */
        one_pd_classification_result_t pds[DME_OBJECT_MAX];     /**< pedestrian detect information */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) pd_classification_result_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t width;
        uint32_t height;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_KL730_mul_example_header_t;
    // result (header + data) for 'Customize Inference Multiple Models'
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        pd_classification_result_t pd_classification_result;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_KL730_mul_example_result_t;
    void my_KL730_mul_example_inf(int job_id, int num_input_buf, void **inf_input_buf_list);
  3. Add my_KL730_mul_example_inf.c

    • There are 8 steps for inferencing in pedestrian detect model and pedestrian classification model:

      1. Prepare the memory space for the result.

      2. Prepare header of output result.

      3. Prepare the temporary memory space for the result of middle model via calloc()

      4. Prepare VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T for pedestrian detect model, which is used for configure the inference in NCPU firmware.

      5. Activate NCPU firmware for pedestrian detect model via VMF_NNM_Inference_App_Execute().

      6. Prepare VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T for pedestrian classification model.

      7. Activate NCPU firmware for pedestrian classification model via VMF_NNM_Inference_App_Execute().

      8. Send the result to PLUS via VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Enqueue().

    • For the customized model, model_id of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T should be set to the id of the customized model.

    • The inference result of NCPU will be written to ncpu_result_buf of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T. Therefore, you must provide a memory space for it (In this example, ncpu_result_buf is pointed to pd_result for pedestrian detect model, and imagenet_result for pedestrian classification model.)

    • For the detail of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T, please refer to section NCPU Firmware Configuration

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "model_type.h"
    #include "vmf_nnm_inference_app.h"
    #include "vmf_nnm_fifoq_manager.h"
    #include "demo_customize_inf_multiple_models.h"
    #include "vmf_nnm_post_proc.h"
    #include "vmf_nnm_pre_post_proc_params.h"
    // for pedestrian detection result, should be in DDR
    static struct yolo_result_s *_yolo_pd_result = NULL;
    static struct classifier_result_s *_classifier_result = NULL;
     * @brief describe class labels of pedestrian detection results.
    typedef enum {
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_PERSON      = 0,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_BICYCLE     = 1,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_CAR         = 2,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_BUS         = 4,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_TRUCK       = 5,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_CAT         = 6,
        KP_APP_PD_CLASS_DOG         = 7
    } kp_app_pd_class_t;
    static VMF_NNM_PRE_POST_PROC_PARAMS_YOLO_t post_proc_params_v5s = {
        .prob_thresh = 0.3,
        .nms_thresh = 0.65,
        .max_detection_per_class = 20,
        .anchor_row = 3,
        .anchor_col = 6,
        .stride_size = 3,
        .reserved_size = 0,
        .data = {
            // anchors[3][6]
            10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23,
            30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119,
            116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326,
            // strides[3]
            8, 16, 32,
    static bool init_temp_buffer()
        // allocate DDR memory for ncpu/npu output restult
        _yolo_pd_result = (struct yolo_result_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct yolo_result_s));
        if (NULL == _yolo_pd_result)
            return false;
        _classifier_result = (struct classifier_result_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct classifier_result_s));
        if (NULL == _classifier_result)
            return false;
        return true;
    static int inference_pedestrian_detection(my_KL730_mul_example_header_t *_input_header,
                                              struct yolo_result_s *_pd_result /* output */)
        // config image preprocessing and model settings
        VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T inf_config;
        memset(&inf_config, 0, sizeof(VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T)); // for safety let default 'bool' to 'false'
        // image buffer address should be just after the header
        inf_config.num_image = 1;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_buf = (void *)((uint32_t)_input_header + sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_header_t));
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_width = _input_header->width;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_height = _input_header->height;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_channel = 3;                                                 // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_format = KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565;                             // default: RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_norm = KP_NORMALIZE_KNERON;                                  // this depends on model
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_resize = KP_RESIZE_ENABLE;                                   // default: enable resize
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_padding = KP_PADDING_CORNER;                                 // default: enable padding on corner
        inf_config.model_id = KNERON_YOLOV5S_PersonBicycleCarMotorcycleBusTruckCatDog8_256_480_3;   // this depends on model
        inf_config.user_define_data = (void *)&post_proc_params_v5s;                                // yolo post-process configurations for yolo v5 series
        inf_config.post_proc_func = VMF_NNM_Post_Proc_Yolov5_No_Sigmoid;
        // set up fd result output buffer for ncpu/npu
        inf_config.ncpu_result_buf = (void *)_pd_result;
        return VMF_NNM_Inference_App_Execute(&inf_config);
    static int inference_pedestrian_classification(my_KL730_mul_example_header_t *_input_header,
                                                   struct bounding_box_s *_box,
                                                   struct classifier_result_s * _imagenet_result/* output */)
        // config image preprocessing and model settings
        VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T inf_config;
        memset(&inf_config, 0, sizeof(VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T)); // for safety let default 'bool' to 'false'
        int32_t left = (int32_t)(_box->x1);
        int32_t top = (int32_t)(_box->y1);
        int32_t right = (int32_t)(_box->x2);
        int32_t bottom = (int32_t)(_box->y2);
        // image buffer address should be just after the header
        inf_config.num_image = 1;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_buf = (void *)((uint32_t)_input_header + sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_header_t));
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_width = _input_header->width;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_height = _input_header->height;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_channel = 3;                         // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_format = KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565;     // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_norm = KP_NORMALIZE_KNERON;          // this depends on model
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_resize = KP_RESIZE_ENABLE;           // default: enable resize
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_padding = KP_PADDING_DISABLE;        // default: disable padding
        inf_config.image_list[0].enable_crop = true;                        // enable crop image in ncpu/npu
        // set crop box
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.crop_number = 0;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.x1 = left;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.y1 = top;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.width = right - left;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.height = bottom - top;
        inf_config.model_id = KNERON_PERSONCLASSIFIER_MB_56_48_3;           // this depends on model
        inf_config.post_proc_func = VMF_NNM_Post_Proc_Classifier;
        // set up fd result output buffer for ncpu/npu
        inf_config.ncpu_result_buf = (void *)_classifier_result;
        return VMF_NNM_Inference_App_Execute(&inf_config);
    void my_KL730_mul_example_inf(int job_id, int num_input_buf, void **inf_input_buf_list)
        if (1 != num_input_buf) {
            VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Status_Code_Enqueue(job_id, KP_FW_WRONG_INPUT_BUFFER_COUNT_110);
        int inf_status;
        int result_buf_size;
        uint32_t inf_result_buf;
        uint32_t inf_result_phy_addr;
        /******* Prepare the memory space of result *******/
        if (0 != VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Get_Free_Buffer(&inf_result_buf, &inf_result_phy_addr, &result_buf_size, -1)) {
            printf("[%s] get result free buffer failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
        my_KL730_mul_example_header_t *input_header = (my_KL730_mul_example_header_t *)inf_input_buf_list[0];
        my_KL730_mul_example_result_t *output_result = (my_KL730_mul_example_result_t *)inf_result_buf;
        /******* Prepare header of output result *******/
        output_result->header_stamp.magic_type = KDP2_MAGIC_TYPE_INFERENCE;
        output_result->header_stamp.total_size = sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_result_t);
        output_result->header_stamp.job_id = job_id;
        /******* Prepare the temporary memory space for the result of middle model *******/
        static bool is_init = false;
        if (!is_init) {
            int status = init_temp_buffer();
            if (!status) {
                // notify host error !
                output_result->header_stamp.status_code = KP_FW_DDR_MALLOC_FAILED_102;
                VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Enqueue(inf_result_buf, inf_result_phy_addr, result_buf_size, -1, false);
            is_init = true;
        /******* Run face detect model *******/
        inf_status = inference_pedestrian_detection(input_header, _yolo_pd_result);
        if (inf_status != KP_SUCCESS) {
            // notify host error !
            output_result->header_stamp.status_code = inf_status;
            VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Enqueue(inf_result_buf, inf_result_phy_addr, result_buf_size, -1, false);
        int box_count = 0;
        int max_box_count = (pd_result->box_count > PD_BOX_MAX) ? PD_BOX_MAX : _yolo_pd_result->box_count;
        pd_classification_result_t *pd_result = &output_result->pd_classification_result;
        for (int i = 0; i < max_box_count; i++) {
            struct bounding_box_s *box = &_yolo_pd_result->boxes[i];
            if (KP_APP_PD_CLASS_PERSON == box->class_num) {
                // do face landmark for each faces
                inf_status = inference_pedestrian_classification(input_header, box, _classifier_result);
                if (KP_SUCCESS != inf_status) {
                    // notify host error !
                    output_result->header_stamp.status_code = inf_status;
                    VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Enqueue(inf_result_buf, inf_result_phy_addr, result_buf_size, -1, false);
                // pedestrian_imagenet_classification result (class 0 : background, class 1: person)
                pd_result->pds[box_count].pd_class_score = _classifier_result->score[1];
                pd_result->pds[box_count].pd_class_score = 0;
            memcpy(&pd_result->pds[box_count].pd, box, sizeof(kp_bounding_box_t));
        pd_result->box_count = box_count;
        output_result->header_stamp.status_code = KP_SUCCESS;
        output_result->header_stamp.total_size = sizeof(my_KL730_mul_example_result_t) - sizeof(pd_classification_result_t) +
                                                 sizeof(pd_result->box_count) + (box_count * sizeof(one_pd_classification_result_t));
        // send output result buffer back to host SW
        VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Result_Enqueue(inf_result_buf, inf_result_phy_addr, result_buf_size, -1, false);
  4. Go to Companion Solution Folder {KL730_SDK_FOLDER_PATH}/apps/vmf_nnm/solution/solution_companion_user_ex

  5. Edit application_init.c

    • _app_func is the entry interface for all inference request.

    • Inference jobs will be dispatched to the coresponding function based on the job_id in kp_inference_header_stamp_t in the header.

    • You need to establish a switch case for MY_KL730_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID and corespond the switch case to my_KL730_mul_example_inf().

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #include <getopt.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <vmf_nnm_inference_app.h>
    #include <vmf_nnm_fifoq_manager.h>
    // inference app
    #include "kdp2_inf_app_yolo.h"
    #include "demo_customize_inf_single_model.h"
    #include "demo_customize_inf_multiple_models.h"
    #include "application_init.h"
    /* ======================================== */
    /*              Add Line Begin              */
    /* ======================================== */
    #include "my_KL730_mul_example_inf.h"
    /* ======================================== */
    /*               Add Line End               */
    /* ======================================== */
    * @brief To register AI applications
    * @param[in] num_input_buf number of data inputs in list
    * @param[in] inf_input_buf_list list of data input for inference task
    * @return N/A
    * @note Add a switch case item for a new inf_app application
    static void _app_func(int num_input_buf, void** inf_input_buf_list);
    static void _app_func(int num_input_buf, void** inf_input_buf_list)
        // check header stamp
        if (0 >= num_input_buf) {
            kmdw_printf("No input buffer for app function\n");
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t *header_stamp = (kp_inference_header_stamp_t *)inf_input_buf_list[0];
        uint32_t job_id = header_stamp->job_id;
        switch (job_id)
        case KDP2_INF_ID_APP_YOLO:
            kdp2_app_yolo_inference(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
            kdp2_app_yolo_config_post_process_parameters(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        case DEMO_KL730_CUSTOMIZE_INF_SINGLE_MODEL_JOB_ID: // a demo code implementation in SCPU for user-defined/customized infernece from one model
            demo_customize_inf_single_model(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        case DEMO_KL730_CUSTOMIZE_INF_MULTIPLE_MODEL_JOB_ID: // a demo code implementation in SCPU for user-defined/customized infernece from two models
            demo_customize_inf_multiple_models(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        /* ======================================== */
        /*              Add Line Begin              */
        /* ======================================== */
        case MY_KL730_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID:
            my_KL730_mul_example_inf(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        /* ======================================== */
        /*               Add Line End               */
        /* ======================================== */
            VMF_NNM_Fifoq_Manager_Status_Code_Enqueue(job_id, KP_FW_ERROR_UNKNOWN_APP);
            printf("unsupported job_id %d \n",job_id);
    void app_initialize(void)
        printf(">> Start running KL730 KDP2 companion mode ...\n");
        /* initialize inference app */
        /* register APP functions */
        /* specify depth of inference queues */
    void app_destroy(void)

4. Pre-process and Post-process Development

If the customized models need a customized pre-process or post-process on Kneron AI device, you can add the pre-process and post-process in the following files.

  1. Go to NCPU Project Main Folder {KL730_SDK_FOLDER_PATH}/apps/vmf_nnm/solution/app_flow/pre_post_proc

  2. Add your customized pre-process/post-process header file into include folder.

  3. Add your customized post-process/post-process implementation c file into current folder.

  4. Register the pre/post process into pre_proc_func and post_proc_func of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T during firmware development.

    • If pre_proc_func of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T is not set, hardware auto pre-process will be adapted during inference flow.

    • If post_proc_func of VMF_NNM_INFERENCE_APP_CONFIG_T is not set, inference raw output data will be put into result buffer without post-process.

Note: During developing the post-processing, you must be aware of what pre-process has done, including image resize, image padding, and image cropping.

Note: In post-processing, the memory layout of data in raw_cnn_res_t for KL520, KL730 and KL720 are different. Please reference Kneron NPU Raw Output Channel Order.