Install Dependency

Verified platforms and OS to build and run PLUS:

And the following sections in this chapter will provide the instructions for installing the tools and dependency libraries to the corresponding platform.

1. Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 / Raspberry Pi OS - Buster

2. Windows 10, 11

2.1 Kneron AI Device Driver

There are three ways to install device driver to Windows:

2.1.1 Using Kneron DFUT to Install Driver

Note: This feature is only provided in Kneron DFUT v1.3.0 and above.

2.1.2 Using PLUS Example to Install Driver

Note: This feature is only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

2.1.3 Using Zadig to Install Driver

2.2 MSYS2

2.3 OpenCV

Kneron Plus provides few examples which are using OpenCV to demonstrate the inference usage with the input of web camera. To build and run these examples, you need to install OpenCV.

2.3.1 Install Pre-build OpenCV

This section will show how to install the pre-build opencv downloaded from OpenCV-MinGW-Build.

2.3.2 Self Build OpenCV

This section will show how to build and install OpenCV from source code.