
note: SDK v2.0.x is compatible with Kneron PLUS v2.0.x
note: SDK v2.0.x is NOT COMPATIBLE to v1.x.x

This document mentions the usage of prebuilt features, how to customize a model application, and peripheral features

1. Prerequisite


Board with KL520 chip. Ex. 520 dongle, 96board, m.2 board

(For applications with MIPI camera/Display) Kneron KL520 series AI SoC Development Kit


required OS: native Windows 10-x86_64 64-bit

licensed software: ARM Keil MDK / ARM Keil/MDK docs

2. File Structure

The firmware folder structure is architected with modularize and stratification for all source code. Source code belonged to the same feature is put in a dedicated folder and easy to be included or excluded. Refer to basic FW architecture shown below, the listed items will have corresponding folders.

└── firmware
    ├── app                                          # model flow control example
    ├── build
    │   ├── example_kdrv                             # some middleware/driver examples
    │   ├── lib/system_520/include
    │   ├── solution_XXX                             # solution examples
    ├── include                                      # high level header files 
    ├── lib                                          # libraries
    │   ├── kdp2_ncpu_model_ppp.lib                  #   header file: plateform/kl520/ncpu/drv/include
    │   ├── kdp2_ncpu_sdk.lib                        #   header file: plateform/kl520/ncpu/model_ppp/include
    │   └── system_520.lib                           #   header file: build/lib/system_520/include
    ├── mdw                                          # middleware source code
    ├── platform
    │   ├── board                                    # board configuraiton header files
    │   ├── dev                                      # device drivers
    │   └── kl520                                    # chip API interface
    │       ├── common                                       
    │       ├── ncpu
    │       │   ├── drv                              # ncpu driver API
    │       │   ├── model_ppp                        # ncpu builtin pre/post process API
    │       │   ├── rtos/rtx                             
    │       │   └── startup
    │       └── scpu
    │           ├── drv                              # ncpu driver API and source code
    │           ├── rtos/rtx
    │           ├── startup
    └── utils
        ├── bin_gen
        ├── dfu
        ├── minion
        ├── flash_programmer
        ├── FLM
        ├── JLink_programmer
        ├── nef_utility
        └── pinmux_config/Kneron_pinmux_config.xlsm

2.1 Folder Tree Root - 'firmware'

firmware: Contains all device FW source/lib code, utilities, build environment

    ├───app         # source code for application layer
    ├───build       # Build environment. Include (Keil) project files, project dependent source code.
    ├───include     # C header files for all source code
    ├───mdw         # Middleware. It's kind of "service", "manager". EX, software timer, DFU function, memory management, etc.
    ├───platform    # Platform consists of an SoC, a PCB, and some onboard devices(flash, eeprom...).
    └───utils       # some useful utilities, such as flash programming, calculate checksum...

In general, firmware source_code = app + mdw + platform(+include).

Source code is suggested to be put in these 3 folders and will not be influenced by any projects. That is, it's a source code data base. All project related code will be put under build folder.

2.2 'firmware/build'

There are some components in build folder, example projects and solution projects. As the name implies, small app demo, simple peripheral drivers demo, or any features demonstration belong to example projects. The purpose is to show how to use our SDK. Solution projects is solution examples for customer. It contains more features, or complex functions in a single project. Also, If you need to build a library and share with other projects, create lib projects in lib folder.

    ├───example_kdrv    # keil projects and example code for example projects
    ├───lib             # Keil projects and header files for prebuilt libraries
    └────solution_**    # Keil projects for example solutions

2.3 'firmware/mdw'

firmware/mdw collects independent modules to become middle ware here. It can be generic flash driver, firmware upgrade manager, file system, etc.


2.4 'firmware/platform'

firmware/platform collects board, device drivers, SoC chip drivers, OS interface, etc.

Platform = board + dev + ASIC-KL520

ASIC-KL520 is composed of 2 cores:

Core OS Description
SCPU (ARM CM4) Keil RTX system flow control and handle data in/ data out via provided drivers
NCPU(ARM CM4) Keil RTX handle pre/post process and trigger NPU core to run a model
    ├───board              # PCB information, flash size, IO mapping, and board level configuration
    ├───dev                # device drivers, such as drivers for flash, eeprom, panel, sensor, etc.
    │   ├───panel
    │   └───nand
    |       ...            
    └────kl520             # KL520 SoC
        ├───common         # shared header files
        |    ├───drv       # all peripheral drivers
        |    ├───rtos      # Keil RTX operation system 
        |    └───startup   # startup assembly code
             ├───drv       # prebuilt driver liberary
             ├───model_ppp # prebuilt model pre/post process functions 
             ├───rtos      # Keil RTX operation system 
             └───startup   # startup assembly code

2.5 'firmware/utils'

Utility Description References
bin_gen To generate single image from several image components ch 3.3 in README
dfu To satisfy flash address alignment. It is called by post_build.bat in each Keil project

Need to chmod +x gen_dfu_binary_for_linux if in linux
see readme.txt
flash_programmer Tool to program firmware/model/data via UART interface ch 3.4 in README
JLink_programmer Script to program firmware/model/data via JLink ch 4 in README
nef_utility utility for model(NEF file)

Need to chmod +x nef_utility_linux if in linux
execute "nef_utility -h"
pinmux_config pinmux table see Kneron_pinmux_config.xlsm
FLM To enable 'load' icon to program flash via JLink in Keil MDK see
minion Allows device to boot from uart without external flash see README.txt

3. Solution Project Examples

This SDK provides the following solution project examples.

Solution Project Required Chip Peripherals Description Document Link
solution_kdp2_user_ex kl520 none data input and result output via Kneron PLUS API and customized model inference flow README
solution_kdp2_hico_mipi kl520 Kneron KL520 series AI SoC Development Kit image from MIPI camera sensor and output to connected PC via USB README
solution_kdp2_host_mipi kl520 Kneron KL520 series AI SoC Development Kit image from MIPI camera sensor and output on display README

General common files:

4. SoC Peripheral Drivers

In KL520 also provides some simple examples to show how to use basic peripherals such as, I2C, PWM, DMA, GPIO... See them in firmware/build/example_kdrv.

There is also a PDF file to briefly describe the peripheral APIs


Supported/Unsupported Peripheral Table

Companion means controlled by a host PC through USB by Kneron PLUS APIs

Image Input

Peripherals Companion Host Mode
DVP x driver/example
UVC Host x specified cameras
USB(proprietary) O x
SPI Master, non-DMA x driver/example
SPI Slave, non-DMA x driver/example
SPI Master, DMA x x
SPI Slave, DMA x x
UART x x

Image/Result Output

Peripherals Companion Host Mode
UVC device x x
USB bulk x O
USB(proprietary) O x
SPI Master, non-DMA x driver/example
SPI Slave, non-DMA x driver/example
SPI Master, DMA x x
SPI Slave, DMA x x
I2C x driver/example
I2S x x
INTEL 8080 x x