Power Management
The Power Management chapter provides functions to allow developers control the power states switching. Two functions to handle power management.
1. kdrv_power_set_wakeup_src
* @brief set wake-up source
* @param[in] wakeup_src_
* @return kdrv_status_t see @ref kdrv_status_t
kdrv_status_t kdrv_power_set_wakeup_src(uint32_t wakeup_src_);
There are four wake up source can be configured in project.h as below.
#define WKUP_SRC_RTC 1
#define WKUP_SRC_EXT_BUT 1
2. kdrv_power_sleep
* @brief Set power mode into sleep
* @return kdrv_status_t see @ref kdrv_status_t
kdrv_status_t kdrv_power_sleep(void);
Apply this function if system need to enter low power mode. During low power state, CPU clock stops and waiting for wake up event occur.