Web Analytics

Step 0. Environment


Note: You need to run pip uninstall mmcv first if you have mmcv installed. If mmcv and mmcv-full are both installed, there will be ModuleNotFoundError.

Install kneron-mmtracking

  1. install extra dependencies for MOTChallenge evaluation:

    pip install git+https://github.com/JonathonLuiten/TrackEval.git

    (Note) python 3.7 sometimes fail to install this due to "typing" library, recommend you can try to:

    pip unstall typing
  2. We recommend you installing mmcv-full with pip:

    pip install mmcv-full -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/{cu_version}/{torch_version}/index.html

    Please replace {cu_version} and {torch_version} in the url to your desired one. For example, to install the mmcv-full with CUDA 10.1 and PyTorch 1.6.0, use the following command:

    pip install mmcv-full -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu101/torch1.6.0/index.html

    See here for different versions of MMCV compatible to different PyTorch and CUDA versions.

  3. Clone the Kneron-version MMDetection (kneron-mmdetection) repository.

    git clone https://github.com/kneron/kneron-mmdetection
    cd kneron-mmdetection
  4. Install required python packages for building kneron-mmdetection and then install kneron-mmdetection.

    pip install -r requirements/build.txt
    pip install -v -e .  # or "python setup.py develop"
  5. Go back to the parent folder

    cd ..

  6. Clone the Kneron-version MMTracking (kneron-mmtracking) repository.

    git clone https://github.com/kneron/kneron-mmtracking
    cd kneron-mmtracking
  7. Install required python packages for building kneron-mmtracking and then install kneron-mmtracking.

    pip install -r requirements/build.txt
    pip install -v -e .  # or "python setup.py develop"

Step 1: Train models on standard datasets

MMTracking provides tracking models in Model Zoo) and supports several standard datasets like MOT, CrowdHuman, etc. This note demonstrates how to perform common object detection tasks with these existing models and standard datasets, including:

Train Bytetrack on MOT and crowdhuman dataset

MMTracking provides out-of-the-box tools for training tracking models. This section will show how to train models (under configs) on MOT and crowdhuman.

Important: You might need to modify the config file according your GPUs resource (such as samples_per_gpu, workers_per_gpu ...etc due to your GPUs RAM limitation). The default learning rate in config files is for 8 GPUs and 2 img/gpu (batch size = 8*2 = 16).

Step 1-1: Prepare MOT and crowdhuman dataset

MOT, crowdhuman are available on official websites or mirrors. We suggest that you download and extract the dataset to somewhere outside the project directory and symlink (ln) the dataset root to $MMTRACKING/data (ln -s realpath/to/dataset $MMTracking/data/dataset), as shown below:

├── mmtrack
├── tools
├── configs
├── data (this folder should be made beforehand)
│   ├── MOT17 (symlink)
│   │   ├── train
│   │   ├── test
│   ├── crowdhuman (symlink)
│   │   ├── train/val
│   │   │   ├── Images

It's recommended to symlink the dataset folder to mmtracking folder. However, if you place your dataset folder at different place and do not want to symlink, you have to change the corresponding paths in config files (absolute path is recommended).

Step 1-2: Train Bytetrack on MOT and crowdhuman

ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Associating Every Detection Box in 2021

Before training, we need to prepare pretrained YoloX model as "latest.pth" in folder "work_dirs" due to our config will load pretrained weight here:

mkdir work_dirs
cd work_dirs
wget https://github.com/kneron/Model_Zoo/raw/main/mmdetection/yolox_s/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
cd ..
Then, we only need the configuration file (which is provided in configs/mot/bytetrack/) to train Bytetrack:
python tools/train.py configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-train.py
* (Note) The whole training process might take several days, depending on your computational resource (number of GPUs, etc). If you just want to take a quick look at the deployment flow, we suggest that you download our trained model so you can skip the training process:
mkdir -p work_dirs
cd work_dirs
wget https://github.com/kneron/Model_Zoo/raw/main/mmtracking/bytetrack/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
cd ..
* (Note) If you want to train a model on your custom dataset, it is recommended that you read customize_dataset.md.

Step 2: Test trained pytorch model

tools/test_kneron.py is a script that generates inference results from test set with our pytorch model(or onnx model) and evaluates the results to see if our pytorch model(or onnx model) is well trained (if --eval argument is given). Note that it's always good to evluate our pytorch model before deploying it.

python tools/test_kneron.py \
    configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-train.py \
    work_dirs/latest.pth \
    --eval bbox \
    --out results.pkl
* configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-train.py is your bytetrack training config * work_dirs/latest.pth is your trained bytetrack model

The expected result of the command above will be something similar to the following text (the numbers may slightly differ):

| class      | gts    | dets   | recall | ap    |
| pedestrian | 161664 | 344382 | 0.881  | 0.838 |
| mAP        |        |        |        | 0.838 |
{'mAP': 0.838}

Step 3: Export onnx

tools/deployment/pytorch2onnx_kneron.py is a script provided by Kneron to help user to convert our trained pth model to kneron-optimized onnx:

python tools/deployment/pytorch2onnx_kneron.py \
    configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-deploy.py \
    work_dirs/latest.pth \
    --output-file work_dirs/latest.onnx \
    --skip-postprocess \
    --shape 448 800
* configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-deploy.py is your bytetrack deploy config * work_dirs/latest.pth is your trained bytetrack model

The output onnx should be the same name as work_dirs/latest.pth with .onnx postfix in the same folder.

Step 4: Test exported onnx model:

We use the same script(tools/test_kneron.py) in step 2 to test our exported onnx. The only difference is that instead of pytorch model, we use onnx model (work_dirs/latest.onnx).

python tools/test_kneron.py \
    configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-deploy.py \
    --checkpoint work_dirs/latest.onnx \
    --eval bbox \
    --out results.pkl
* configs/mot/bytetrack/bytetrack_yolox_s_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_kn-deploy.py is your bytetrack deploy config * work_dirs/latest.onnx is your exported bytetrack onnx model

The expected result of the command above will be something similar to the following text (the numbers may slightly differ):

| class      | gts    | dets   | recall | ap    |
| pedestrian | 161664 | 344382 | 0.881  | 0.838 |
| mAP        |        |        |        | 0.838 |
{'mAP': 0.838}

Step 5: Convert onnx to NEF model for Kneron platform

Step 5-1: Install Kneron toolchain docker:

Step 5-2: Mout Kneron toolchain docker

Step 5-3: Import KTC and other required packages in python shell

Step 5-4: Optimize the onnx model

onnx_path = '/data1/latest.onnx'
m = onnx.load(onnx_path)
m = ktc.onnx_optimizer.onnx2onnx_flow(m)

Step 5-5: Configure and load data necessary for ktc, and check if onnx is ok for toolchain

# npu (only) performance simulation
km = ktc.ModelConfig(20008, "0001", "720", onnx_model=m)
eval_result = km.evaluate()
print("\nNpu performance evaluation result:\n" + str(eval_result))

Step 5-6: Quantize the onnx model

We random sampled 50 images from voc dataset as quantization data, we have to 1. Download the data 2. Uncompression the data as folder named voc_data50" 3. Put the voc_data50 into docker mounted folder (the path in docker container should be /data1/voc_data50)

The following script will do some preprocess(should be the same as training code) on our quantization data, and put it in a list:

import os
from os import walk

img_list = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk("/data1/voc_data50"):
    for f in filenames:
        fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)

        image = Image.open(fullpath)
        image = image.convert("RGB")
        image = Image.fromarray(np.array(image)[...,::-1])
        img_data = np.array(image.resize((800, 448), Image.BILINEAR)) / 256 - 0.5

Then perform quantization. The BIE model will be generated at /data1/output.bie.

# fixed-point analysis
bie_model_path = km.analysis({"input": img_list})
print("\nFixed-point analysis done. Saved bie model to '" + str(bie_model_path) + "'")

Step 5-7: Compile

The final step is to compile the BIE model into an NEF model.

# compile
nef_model_path = ktc.compile([km])
print("\nCompile done. Saved Nef file to '" + str(nef_model_path) + "'")

You can find the NEF file at /data1/batch_compile/models_720.nef. models_720.nef is the final compiled model.