
Different statistical functions (ex: object detection, regression, reid, ...) are built in different class. Please initialize the one you want as an evaluator to evaluate your results with providing GT. All of parameters could be changed in yaml files along with it, and you could also import the evaluation class to use it in your code. Notice that you should be familiar with, and obey the data format in it. Note that all the paths in this document are under /workspace/ai_training inside the docker.


Go to kneron_eval folder

cd kneron_eval

Table of contents

Object detection:

This evaluation is built based on COCOAPI. Notic that you should use bbox as key in your json.

python --yaml yaml/object_detection.yaml --output output_objectDetection.txt
Parameters Descriptions
GT_json_path Ground truth json path. Should be provided by testing team
inference_result Inference json path. Should follow GT format
areaRng_type_table size of interested for classes
mapping detection mapping from
subclass subset of interested classes


Notic that you should use a key from starting with lmk as key in your json. ex: lmk_eye_7pts, lmk_coco_body_17pts. Please follow the key in your GT.json. (Notice that you should be familiar with, and obey the data format in it.)

python --yaml yaml/regression.yaml --output output_regression.txt
Parameters Descriptions
GT_json_path Ground truth json path. Should be provided by testing team
inference_result Inference json path. Should follow GT format
landmark_points landmark key from
distance_metrics should be l1 or l2 or MAE


Notic that you should use a key from starting with class as key in your json. ex: class1, class2. Please follow the key in your GT.json. (Notice that you should be familiar with, and obey the data format in it.)

python --yaml yaml/classification.yaml --output output_classification.txt
Parameters Descriptions
GT_json_path Ground truth json path. Should be provided by testing team
inference_result Inference json path. Should follow GT format
class_format The dimension of the class
mapping should be l1 or l2 or MAE
subclass subclass from mapping
scan_threshold boolean value. Whether or not scan the scores from 0.0 to 1.0 to get the best threshold
overall_top1_accuracy Set true if you are running multi-class classification


Notic that you should use a key from track_id as key in your json. Please follow the key in your GT.json. (Notice that you should be familiar with, and obey the data format in it.)

python --yaml yaml/reid.yaml --output output_reid.txt
Parameters Descriptions
GT_json_path Ground truth json path. Should be provided by testing team
inference_result Inference json path. Should follow GT format
max_IoU IoU for person bbox
skip_rate skip frame rate