Create KL520 Multiple Models Example

1. Download Source Code

  1. Download the latest into Windows from It is located at Kneron PLUS section.

  2. Unzip

Note: {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH} will be used below for representing the unzipped folder path of PLUS.

2. PLUS (Software) Development

  1. Create my_kl520_mul_example folder

    $ cd {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH}/examples/
    $ mkdir my_kl520_mul_example
  2. Add CMakelists.txt

    # build with current *.c/*.cpp plus common source files in parent folder
    # executable name is current folder name.
    get_filename_component(app_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
    string(REPLACE " " "_" app_name ${app_name})
    file(GLOB local_src
    target_link_libraries(${app_name} ${KPLUS_LIB_NAME} ${USB_LIB} ${MATH_LIB} pthread)
  3. Add my_kl520_mul_example.h

    • Please define the customized header structure and customized result structure in this file.

    • Header (my_kl520_mul_example_header_t) is used for sending data to SCPU firmware. What kind of data should be contained can be customized based on the your requirement.

    • Result (my_kl520_mul_example_result_t) is used for receiving data from SCPU firmware. What kind of data should be contained can be customized based on the output of model inference.

    • kp_inference_header_stamp_t must be contained in both header and result structures.

    • The JOB_ID describes the unique id of the task you want to execute in firmware, and it must be unique and above 1000.

    • This file should be synchronized with the .h file in SCPU firmware.

    #pragma once
    #define MY_KL520_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID 1003
    #define FD_MAX                      10
    typedef struct
        kp_bounding_box_t fd;                 /**< fd result */
        kp_landmark_result_t lm;              /**< lm result */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) one_face_data_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t img_width;
        uint32_t img_height;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_kl520_mul_example_header_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t face_count;
        one_face_data_t faces[FD_MAX];
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_kl520_mul_example_result_t;
  4. Add my_kl520_mul_example.c

    • There are 6 steps for inferencing in Kneron AI device:

      1. Connect Kneron AI device.

      2. Upload the firmware to AI device.

      3. Upload the model to AI device.

      4. Prepare data for the header.

      5. Send the header and image buffer to SCPU firmware via kp_customized_inference_send().

      6. Receive the result from SCPU firmware via kp_customized_inference_receive().

    • In this example, the image is transcoded into RGB565, and the width and height of the image is carried by the header.

    • Sending header and receiving result can be executed sequentially or on two different threads.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include "kp_core.h"
    #include "kp_inference.h"
    #include "helper_functions.h"
    #include "my_kl520_mul_example.h"
    static char _scpu_fw_path[128] = "../../res/firmware/KL520/fw_scpu.bin";
    static char _ncpu_fw_path[128] = "../../res/firmware/KL520/fw_ncpu.bin";
    static char _model_file_path[128] = "../../res/models/KL520/ssd_fd_lm/models_520.nef";
    static char _image_file_path[128] = "../../res/images/a_woman_640x480.bmp";
    static int _loop = 10;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        kp_device_group_t device;
        kp_model_nef_descriptor_t model_desc;
        int ret;
        /******* connect the device *******/
            int port_id = 0; // 0 for one device auto-search
            int error_code;
            // internal parameter to indicate the desired port id
            if (argc > 1) {
                port_id = atoi(argv[1]);
            // connect device
            device = kp_connect_devices(1, &port_id, &error_code);
            if (!device) {
                printf("error ! connect device failed, port ID = '%d', error = '%d'\n", port_id, error_code);
            kp_set_timeout(device, 5000);
            printf("connect device ... OK\n");
        /******* upload firmware to device *******/
            ret = kp_load_firmware_from_file(device, _scpu_fw_path, _ncpu_fw_path);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("error ! upload firmware failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            printf("upload firmware ... OK\n");
        /******* upload model to device *******/
            ret = kp_load_model_from_file(device, _model_file_path, &model_desc);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("error ! upload model failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            printf("upload model ... OK\n");
        /******* prepare the image buffer read from file *******/
        // here convert a bmp file to RGB565 format buffer
        int img_width, img_height;
        char *img_buf = helper_bmp_file_to_raw_buffer(_image_file_path, &img_width, &img_height, KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565);
        if (!img_buf) {
            printf("error ! read image file failed\n");
        printf("read image ... OK\n");
        printf("\nstarting inference loop %d times:\n", _loop);
        /******* prepare input and output header/buffers *******/
        my_kl520_mul_example_header_t input_header;
        my_kl520_mul_example_result_t output_result;
        input_header.header_stamp.job_id = MY_KL520_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID;
        input_header.header_stamp.total_image = 1;
        input_header.header_stamp.image_index = 0;
        input_header.img_width = img_width;
        input_header.img_height = img_height;
        int header_size = sizeof(my_kl520_mul_example_header_t);
        int image_size = img_width * img_height * 2; // RGB565
        int result_size = sizeof(my_kl520_mul_example_result_t);
        int recv_size = 0;
        /******* starting inference work *******/
        for (int i = 0; i < _loop; i++) {
            ret = kp_customized_inference_send(device, (void *)&input_header, header_size, (uint8_t *)img_buf, image_size);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("\ninference failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            ret = kp_customized_inference_receive(device, (void *)&output_result, result_size, &recv_size);
            if (KP_SUCCESS != ret) {
                printf("\ninference failed, error = %d\n", ret);
            printf("\n[loop %d]\n", i + 1);
            for (int j = 0; j < output_result.face_count; j++) {
                printf("\nFace %d (x1, y1, x2, y2, score) = %d, %d, %d, %d, %f\n", j + 1
                                                                                , (int)output_result.faces[j].fd.x1
                                                                                , (int)output_result.faces[j].fd.y1
                                                                                , (int)output_result.faces[j].fd.x2
                                                                                , (int)output_result.faces[j].fd.y2
                                                                                , output_result.faces[j].fd.score);
                for (int k = 0; k < LAND_MARK_POINTS; k++) {
                    printf("    - Landmark %d: (x, y) = %d, %d\n", k + 1
                                                                , output_result.faces[j].lm.marks[k].x
                                                                , output_result.faces[j].lm.marks[k].y);
        return 0;

3. SCPU Firmware Development for Face Detect + Landmark

  1. Go to SCPU App Folder {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH}/firmware_development/KL520/firmware/app

  2. Add my_kl520_mul_example_inf.h

    • The content of this file should be synchronized with my_kl520_mul_example.h in PLUS.
    #pragma once
    #define MY_KL520_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID 1003
    #define FD_MAX                      10
    typedef struct
        kp_bounding_box_t fd;                 /**< fd result */
        kp_landmark_result_t lm;              /**< lm result */
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) one_face_data_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t img_width;
        uint32_t img_height;
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_kl520_mul_example_header_t;
    typedef struct
        /* header stamp is necessary for data transfer between host and device */
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t header_stamp;
        uint32_t face_count;
        one_face_data_t faces[FD_MAX];
    } __attribute__((aligned(4))) my_kl520_mul_example_result_t;
    void my_kl520_mul_example_inf(uint32_t job_id, void *inf_input_buf);
  3. Add my_kl520_mul_example_inf.c

    • There are 8 steps for inferencing in face detect model and landmark model:

      1. Prepare the memory space for the result.

      2. Prepare header of output result.

      3. Prepare the temporary memory space for the result of middle model via kmdw_ddr_reserve()

      4. Prepare kmdw_inference_app_config_t for face detect model, which is used for configure the inference in NCPU firmware.

      5. Activate NCPU firmware for face detect model via kmdw_inference_app_execute().

      6. Prepare kmdw_inference_app_config_t for landmark model.

      7. Activate NCPU firmware for landmark model via kmdw_inference_app_execute().

      8. Send the result to PLUS via kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_enqueue().

    • For the customized model, model_id of kmdw_inference_app_config_t should be set to the id of the customized model.

    • The inference result of NCPU will be written to ncpu_result_buf of kmdw_inference_app_config_t. Therefore, you must provide a memory space for it (In this example, ncpu_result_buf is pointed to fd_result for face detect model, and lm_result for landmark model.)

    • For the detail of kmdw_inference_app_config_t, please refer to section NCPU Firmware Configuration

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "model_type.h"
    #include "model_res.h"
    #include "kmdw_console.h"
    #include "kmdw_inference_app.h"
    #include "kmdw_fifoq_manager.h"
    #include "my_kl520_mul_example_inf.h"
    #define TY_MAX_BOX_NUM (50)
    #define FACE_SCORE_THRESHOLD 0.8f
    // for face detection result, should be in DDR
    static struct yolo_result_s *fd_result = NULL;
    static int inference_face_detection(my_kl520_mul_example_header_t *input_header,
                                        struct yolo_result_s *fd_result /* output */)
        /******* Prepare the configuration *******/
        kmdw_inference_app_config_t inf_config;
        // Set the initial value of config to 0, false and NULL
        memset(&inf_config, 0, sizeof(kmdw_inference_app_config_t));
        // image buffer address should be just after the header
        inf_config.num_image = 1;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_buf = (void *)((uint32_t)input_header + sizeof(demo_customize_inf_multiple_models_header_t));
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_width = input_header->width;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_height = input_header->height;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_channel = 3;                             // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_format = KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565;         // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_resize = KP_RESIZE_ENABLE;               // enable resize
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_padding = KP_PADDING_CORNER;             // enable padding on corner
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_norm = KP_NORMALIZE_KNERON;              // this depends on model
        inf_config.model_id = KNERON_FD_MASK_MBSSD_200_200_3;                   // this depends on model
        // set up fd result output buffer for ncpu/npu
        inf_config.ncpu_result_buf = (void *)fd_result;
        /******* Activate inferencing in NCPU *******/
        return kmdw_inference_app_execute(&inf_config);
    static int inference_face_landmarks(my_kl520_mul_example_header_t *input_header,
                                        struct bounding_box_s *face_box,
                                        kp_landmark_result_t *lm_result /* output */)
        /******* Prepare the configuration *******/
        kmdw_inference_app_config_t inf_config;
        // Set the initial value of config to 0, false and NULL
        memset(&inf_config, 0, sizeof(kmdw_inference_app_config_t));
        int32_t left = (int32_t)(face_box->x1);
        int32_t top = (int32_t)(face_box->y1);
        int32_t right = (int32_t)(face_box->x2);
        int32_t bottom = (int32_t)(face_box->y2);
        // image buffer address should be just after the header
        inf_config.model_id = KNERON_LM_5PTS_ONET_56_56_3;                              // this depends on model
        inf_config.num_image = 1;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_buf = (void *)((uint32_t)input_header + sizeof(demo_customize_inf_multiple_models_header_t));
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_width = input_header->width;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_height = input_header->height;
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_channel = 3;                                     // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_format = KP_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565;                 // assume RGB565
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_norm = KP_NORMALIZE_KNERON;                      // this depends on model
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_resize = KP_RESIZE_ENABLE;                       // enable resize
        inf_config.image_list[0].image_padding = KP_PADDING_CORNER;                     // enable padding on corner
        inf_config.image_list[0].enable_crop = true;                                    // enable crop image in ncpu/npu
        // set crop box
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.crop_number = 0;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.x1 = left;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.y1 = top;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.width = right - left;
        inf_config.image_list[0].crop_area.height = bottom - top;
        // set up landmark result output buffer for ncpu/npu
        inf_config.ncpu_result_buf = (void *)lm_result;
        /******* Activate inferencing in NCPU *******/
        return kmdw_inference_app_execute(&inf_config);
    static bool init_temp_buffer()
        // allocate DDR memory for ncpu/npu output restult
        fd_result = (struct yolo_result_s *)kmdw_ddr_reserve(sizeof(struct yolo_result_s) + TY_MAX_BOX_NUM * sizeof(struct bounding_box_s));
        if (fd_result == NULL) {
            return false;
        return true;
    void my_kl520_mul_example_inf(uint32_t job_id, int num_input_buf, void **inf_input_buf_list)
        if (1 != num_input_buf) {
            kmdw_inference_app_send_status_code(job_id, KP_FW_WRONG_INPUT_BUFFER_COUNT_110);
        my_kl520_mul_example_header_t *input_header = (my_kl520_mul_example_header_t *)inf_input_buf_list[0];
        /******* Prepare the memory space of result *******/
        int result_buf_size;
        void *inf_result_buf = kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_get_free_buffer(&result_buf_size);
        my_kl520_mul_example_result_t *output_result = (my_kl520_mul_example_result_t *)inf_result_buf;
        /******* Prepare header of output result *******/
        output_result->header_stamp.magic_type = KDP2_MAGIC_TYPE_INFERENCE;
        output_result->header_stamp.total_size = sizeof(my_kl520_mul_example_result_t);
        output_result->header_stamp.job_id = job_id;
        /******* Prepare the temporary memory space for the result of middle model *******/
        static bool is_init = false;
        if (!is_init) {
            int status = init_temp_buffer();
            if (!status) {
                // notify host error !
                output_result->header_stamp.status_code = KP_FW_DDR_MALLOC_FAILED_102;
                kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_enqueue((void *)output_result, result_buf_size, false);
            is_init = true;
        /******* Run face detect model *******/
        int inf_status = inference_face_detection(input_header, fd_result);
        if (inf_status != KP_SUCCESS) {
            // notify host error !
            output_result->header_stamp.status_code = inf_status;
            kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_enqueue((void *)output_result, result_buf_size, false);
        int face_cnt = 0;
        int max_face = (fd_result->box_count > FD_MAX) ? FD_MAX : fd_result->box_count;
        /******* Run landmark model for every faces *******/
        for (int i = 0; i < max_face; i++) {
            struct bounding_box_s *face_box = &fd_result->boxes[i];
            kp_landmark_result_t *face_lm_result = &output_result->faces[face_cnt].lm;
            if (FACE_SCORE_THRESHOLD < face_box->score) {
                // do face landmark for each faces
                inf_status = inference_face_landmarks(input_header, face_box, face_lm_result);
                if (KP_SUCCESS != inf_status) {
                    // notify host error !
                    output_result->header_stamp.status_code = inf_status;
                    kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_enqueue((void *)output_result);
                // skip it if face lm is not good
                if (0.99f > face_lm_result->score) {
                memcpy(&output_result->faces[face_cnt].fd, face_box, sizeof(kp_bounding_box_t));
        /******* Send the result to PLUS *******/
        output_result->face_count = face_cnt;
        output_result->header_stamp.status_code = KP_SUCCESS;
        kmdw_fifoq_manager_result_enqueue((void *)output_result, result_buf_size, false);
  4. Go to SCPU Project Main Folder {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH}/firmware_development/KL520/firmware/build/solution_kdp2_user_ex/main_scpu

  5. Edit application_init.c

    • _app_func is the entry interface for all inference request.

    • Inference jobs will be dispatched to the coresponding function based on the job_id in kp_inference_header_stamp_t in the header.

    • You need to establish a switch case for MY_KL520_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID and corespond the switch case to my_kl520_mul_example_inf().

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "cmsis_os2.h"
    // power manager
    #include "power_manager.h"
    // inference core
    #include "kp_struct.h"
    #include "kmdw_console.h"
    #include "kmdw_inference_app.h"
    // inference app
    #include "kdp2_inf_app_yolo.h"
    #include "demo_customize_inf_single_model.h"
    #include "demo_customize_inf_multiple_models.h"
    /* ======================================== */
    /*              Add Line Begin              */
    /* ======================================== */
    #include "my_kl520_mul_example_inf.h"
    /* ======================================== */
    /*               Add Line End               */
    /* ======================================== */
    // inference client
    #include "kdp2_usb_companion.h"
    #define MAX_IMAGE_COUNT   10          /**< MAX inference input  queue slot count */
    #define MAX_RESULT_COUNT  10          /**< MAX inference output queue slot count */
    * @brief To register AI applications
    * @param[in] num_input_buf number of data inputs in list
    * @param[in] inf_input_buf_list list of data input for inference task
    * @return N/A
    * @note Add a switch case item for a new inf_app application
    static void _app_func(int num_input_buf, void** inf_input_buf_list);
    static void _app_func(int num_input_buf, void** inf_input_buf_list)
        // check header stamp
        if (0 >= num_input_buf) {
            kmdw_printf("No input buffer for app function\n");
        kp_inference_header_stamp_t *header_stamp = (kp_inference_header_stamp_t *)inf_input_buf_list[0];
        uint32_t job_id = header_stamp->job_id;
        switch (job_id)
        case KDP2_INF_ID_APP_YOLO:
            kdp2_app_yolo_inference(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
            kdp2_app_yolo_config_post_process_parameters(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        case DEMO_KL520_CUSTOMIZE_INF_SINGLE_MODEL_JOB_ID: // a demo code implementation in SCPU for user-defined/customized infernece from one model
            demo_customize_inf_single_model(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        case DEMO_KL520_CUSTOMIZE_INF_MULTIPLE_MODEL_JOB_ID: // a demo code implementation in SCPU for user-defined/customized infernece from two models
            demo_customize_inf_multiple_models(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        /* ======================================== */
        /*              Add Line Begin              */
        /* ======================================== */
        case MY_KL520_MUL_EXAMPLE_JOB_ID:
            my_kl520_mul_example_inf(job_id, num_input_buf, inf_input_buf_list);
        /* ======================================== */
        /*               Add Line End               */
        /* ======================================== */
            kmdw_inference_app_send_status_code(job_id, KP_FW_ERROR_UNKNOWN_APP);
    void app_initialize(void)
        info_msg(">> Start running KL520 KDP2 companion mode ...\n");
        /* for shutdown command */
        /* initialize inference app */
        /* register APP functions */
        /* specify depth of inference queues */
        kmdw_inference_app_init(_app_func, MAX_IMAGE_COUNT, MAX_RESULT_COUNT);
        /* companion mode init */

4. NCPU Firmware Development for The Pre-process and Post-process

If the customized models need a customized pre-process or post-process on Kneron AI device, you can add the pre-process and post-process in the following files.

  1. Go to NCPU Project Main Folder {PLUS_FOLDER_PATH}/firmware_development/KL520/firmware/build/solution_kdp2_user_ex/main_ncpu

  2. Add your customized pre-process function into user_pre_process.c

  3. Add your customized post-process function into user_post_process.c

  4. Edit model_ftr_table.c

    • Add your customized pre-process into model_pre_proc_fns table with the ID of your model.

    • Add your customized post-process into model_post_proc_fns talbe with the ID of your model.

    • Once pre-process and post-process are registered, they will automatically execute before and after the inference of model.

    • The pre-process and post-process for certain model are specified by the model Id.

Note: During developing the post-processing, you must be aware of what pre-process has done, including image resize, image padding, and image cropping.

Note: In post-processing, the memory layout of data in raw_cnn_res_t for KL520 and KL720 are different. Please reference Kneron NPU Raw Output Channel Order.