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Run Examples

Note: Please build Kneron PLUS first.

Note: If you are using Windows, please execute all the instruction below in MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit.

Note: To execute MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit, please use the shortcut or c:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 instead of c:\msys64\mingw64.exe.

Note: In the inference related examples, we are using KL520 for most demo. If you wish to use KL630, KL720, or KL730, just change the prefix of the example name from kl520 to kl630, kl720, or kl730.

Note: Few examples will auto connect multiple devices to run inference. If you put hybrid types of devices on host, the inference may fail.

Note: If you modify code to change different test image file. Input image aspect ratio is suggested to be aligned to model input aspect ratio.

The provided examples are designed to show how to use KP APIs and present Kneron Device features. Error handling, wording and application layer features are not covered. They are open for more creatives.


1. System Examples

System control APIs are provided for information extract, data upload and device connection.

Please see the following examples for API usage

1.1 Scan Device Example

Note: This example is to show the usage of kp_scan_devices().

While one or multiple AI devices are plugged into the host, they can be scanned to get some basic device information.

$ sudo ./scan_devices
scanning kneron devices ...
number of Kneron devices found: 2

listing devices information as follows:

[0] scan_index: '0'
[0] port ID: '517'
[0] product_id: '0x100' (KL520)
[0] USB link speed: 'High-Speed'
[0] USB port path: '1-1-4'
[0] kn_number: '0x270A265C'
[0] Connectable: 'True'
[0] Firmware: 'KDP'

[1] scan_index: '1'
[1] port ID: '38'
[1] product_id: '0x100' (KL520)
[1] USB link speed: 'High-Speed'
[1] USB port path: '1-1-5'
[1] kn_number: '0x63252C53'
[1] Connectable: 'True'
[1] Firmware: 'KDP2 Loader'

Above shows that it founds two KL520 devices, a brief description listed below.

1.2 Connect Device Example

This example is to show the usage of kp_device_group_t, kp_connect_device() and different filter ways of finding target devices to connect. Furthermore, the kp_device_group_t is a working unit to be operated in Kneron PLUS API.

Notice that it is not allowed to connect different target platform devices into a deivce group.

sudo ./connect_devices --help
connect_devices example

  show different filter ways of finding target devices to connect
  Notice that it is not allowed to connect different target platform devices into a device group

-help, h   : print help message
-target, t : [by target platform] = (KL520|KL720)
-sidx, s   : [by scan index set] = (specified scan index set, can also be "0,1,2" for multiple devices)
-port, p   : [by port id set] = (specified port id set, can also be "13,537" for multiple devices)
-kn, k     : [by KN number set] = (specified KN number set, scan also be "0x1111aaaa, 0x2222bbbb" for multiple devices)

1.3 Install Driver for Windows Example

Note: This example is only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

Note: This example is only available on Windows 10, and it must be run as Administrator.

This example is to show the usage of kp_install_driver_for_windows() and help users to install driver to Windows directly.

  1. For installing the driver for KL520:

    $ ./install_driver_windows.exe -target KL520
    -h     : help
    -target: [target platform] (ALL, KL520, KL630, KL720, KL730) = KL520
        You must run this app as administrator on Windows
    Installing driver for KL520 ... Success (0)
  2. For installing the driver for KL630:

    $ ./install_driver_windows.exe -target KL630
    -h     : help
    -target: [target platform] (ALL, KL520, KL630, KL720, KL730) = KL630
        You must run this app as administrator on Windows
    Installing driver for KL520 ... Success (0)
  3. For installing the driver for KL720:

    $ ./install_driver_windows.exe -target KL720
    -h     : help
    -target: [target platform] (ALL, KL520, KL630, KL720, KL730) = KL720
        You must run this app as administrator on Windows
    Installing driver for KL720 ... Success (0)
  4. For installing the driver for KL730:

    $ ./install_driver_windows.exe -target KL730
    -h     : help
    -target: [target platform] (ALL, KL520, KL630, KL720, KL730) = KL730
        You must run this app as administrator on Windows
    Installing driver for KL730 ... Success (0)

1.4 Load Firmware and Model Example

kp_load_firmware_from_file() is an API to load firmware file from host to the AI device via USB. And this API is only available when device is on USB Boot Mode. Please refer Upgrade AI Device To KDP2 for more information.

kp_load_model_from_file() is an API to load model file from host to the AI device via USB. Please refer Write Model to Flash for more information.

kp_load_model_from_flash() is an API to load model from the flash memory of the AI device. Please refer Generic Inference Using Model in Flash and Write Model to Flash for more information.

1.5 Generic Command Example

The generic_command is an example for showing you how to use few system API:

  1. Get System Info : kp_get_system_info().

    Note: Firmware must be loaded into device first.

    $ sudo ./generic_command -target KL520 -port 533 -cmd system
    [note - using default parameter values if no value is passed]
    -target: [target platform] (KL520, KL720, KL630, KL730, KL830) = KL520 (default: KL520)
    -sidx  : [scan index] = default (specified scan index) (default: scan index of the first scanned Kneron device)
    -port  : [port id] = 533 (specified port id) (default: port ID of the first scanned Kneron device)
            Notice that scan index has higher priority than port id
    -cmd   : [command type] (system-showSystemInfo, model-showModelInfo, reboot, shutdown) = system (default: system)
            Notice that shutdown command is not supported by KL720
    connect target: index '0', port ID '533'
    connect device ... OK
    kn_number:    0xAC0A205C
    FW_version:   1.7.0-build.1217
    PLUS_version: RD version
    disconnecting device ...
  2. Get Model Info : kp_get_model_info().

    Note: Firmware and Model must be loaded into device first.

    $ sudo ./generic_command -target KL520 -port 533 -cmd model
    [note - using default parameter values if no value is passed]
    -target: [target platform] (KL520, KL720, KL630, KL730, KL830) = KL520 (default: KL520)
    -sidx  : [scan index] = default (specified scan index) (default: scan index of the first scanned Kneron device)
    -port  : [port id] = 533 (specified port id) (default: port ID of the first scanned Kneron device)
            Notice that scan index has higher priority than port id
    -cmd   : [command type] (system-showSystemInfo, model-showModelInfo, reboot, shutdown) = model (default: system)
            Notice that shutdown command is not supported by KL720
    connect target: index '0', port ID '533'
    connect device ... OK
    fw memory contains 1 model(s):
    all models crc = 0x6CBF1FF9
    [1] model ID = 19
    [1] model raw input width = 224
    [1] model raw input height = 224
    [1] model input channel = 3
    [1] model raw image format = RGBA8888
    [1] model raw output size = 85796
    Note that if you want to query the model info in the flash,
    please load model first via 'kp_load_model_from_flash()'
    Be careful that 'kp_load_model_from_flash()' will clean up and replace the model data stored in fw memory!
    disconnecting device ...
  3. Reboot : kp_reset_device() with KP_RESET_REBOOT.

    Note: Firmware must be loaded into device first.

    $ sudo ./generic_command -target KL520 -port 533 -cmd reboot
    [note - using default parameter values if no value is passed]
    -target: [target platform] (KL520, KL720, KL630, KL730, KL830) = KL520 (default: KL520)
    -sidx  : [scan index] = default (specified scan index) (default: scan index of the first scanned Kneron device)
    -port  : [port id] = 533 (specified port id) (default: port ID of the first scanned Kneron device)
            Notice that scan index has higher priority than port id
    -cmd   : [command type] (system-showSystemInfo, model-showModelInfo, reboot, shutdown) = reboot (default: system)
            Notice that shutdown command is not supported by KL720
    connect target: index '0', port ID '533'
    connect device ... OK
    reboot device ... OK
    disconnecting device ...
  4. Shutdown : kp_reset_device() with KP_RESET_SHUTDOWN.

    Note: Firmware must be loaded into device first. Note: KL720 does NOT support this feature.

    $ sudo ./generic_command -target KL520 -port 533 -cmd shutdown
    [note - using default parameter values if no value is passed]
    -target: [target platform] (KL520, KL720, KL630, KL730, KL830) = KL520 (default: KL520)
    -sidx  : [scan index] = default (specified scan index) (default: scan index of the first scanned Kneron device)
    -port  : [port id] = 533 (specified port id) (default: port ID of the first scanned Kneron device)
            Notice that scan index has higher priority than port id
    -cmd   : [command type] (system-showSystemInfo, model-showModelInfo, reboot, shutdown) = shutdown (default: system)
            Notice that shutdown command is not supported by KL720
    connect target: index '0', port ID '533'
    connect device ... OK
    shutdown device ... OK
    disconnecting device ...

1.6 DFUT_console

Note: This tool is only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

Please refer Build with DFUT_console

DFUT_console provides only the console interface of the Kneron DFUT.

Therefore, all the functions in console mode, other than executable file name, are the same.

  1. For upgrading KL520 to USB boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL520 to USB Boot Mode.

  2. For upgrading KL520 to Flash boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL520 to Flash Boot Mode.

  3. For writing model into KL520, please refer Write Model Into KL520.

  4. For upgrading KL630 to USB boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL630 to USB Boot Mode.

  5. For upgrading KL630 to Flash boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL630 to Flash Boot Mode.

  6. For writing model into KL630, please refer Write Model Into KL630.

  7. For upgrading KL720 to Flash boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL720 to Flash Boot Mode.

  8. For writing model into KL720, please refer Write Model Into KL720.

  9. For upgrading KL730 to USB boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL730 to USB Boot Mode.

  10. For upgrading KL730 to Flash boot mode, please refer Upgrade KL730 to Flash Boot Mode.

  11. For writing model into KL730, please refer Write Model Into KL730.

1.7 Device FIFO Queue Config Example

This example is to show how to configure the kp_ddr_manage_attr_t and the usage of kp_store_ddr_manage_attr().

Please refer Device DDR Management for more information.

$ sudo ./kl520_demo_generic_image_inference_fifoq_config
connect device ... OK
upload firmware ... OK
store attribute ... OK
upload model ... OK
read image ... OK

starting inference loop 10 times:

inference loop is done

number of output node : 2

node 0:
width: 7:
height: 7:
channel: 255:
number of data (float): 12495:
first 20 data:
    1.359, 0.340, 0.510, -0.510, 0.170, 0.340,
    -0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 0.510, 0.679,
    0.679, 0.679, 0.510, 0.000, 0.340,
    0.510, 0.510, 0.340, 0.000,

node 1:
width: 14:
height: 14:
channel: 255:
number of data (float): 49980:
first 20 data:
    0.874, -0.349, -0.175, 0.000, 0.000, -0.175,
    0.175, 0.349, -0.175, 0.175, -0.175,
    0.000, -0.175, -0.699, 1.398, 1.048,
    1.048, 0.874, 0.524, 0.699,

dumped node 0 output to 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224_node0_7x7x255.txt'
dumped node 1 output to 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224_node1_14x14x255.txt'

2. Inference API Examples

Kneron PLUS provides three different API set for inference:

  1. Generic Inference
    • Generic Image Inference
    • Generic Data Inference
  2. Customized Inference
  3. User Defined API Inference

The main difference between Generic Inference and Customized Inference is shown below:

  1. Generic Image Inference:

    • Input: Image
    • Pre-process: Auto Hardware Pre-process on Device
    • Post-process: None on Device
  2. Generic Data Inference:

    • Input: Data (Absolutely aligned model input)
    • Pre-process: None on Device
    • Post-process: None on Device
  3. Customized Inference:

    • Input: Image or Data (Based on pre-process user defined on device)
    • Pre-process: User Developed Pre-process, Auto Hardware Pre-process, or None on Device
    • Post-process: User Developed Post-process, or None on Device

2.1 Generic Inference Example

Generic Inference includes two sets of APIs, Generic Image Inference API and Generic Data Inference API.

For the detail introduction, please refer the documents in Generic Inference.

Note: Multiple calls of kp_app_yolo_inference_send() without any call of kp_app_yolo_inference_receive() may cause the system stuck.

2.2 Customized Inference Example

Customized inference examples are using the Customized Inference API, which provides some decent flexibility for users to customize their own applications with customized NEF models.

For the detail introduction of Customized Inference, please refer the documents in Customize API section.

2.3 User Define API Inference Example

Although Customized Inference may provide some flexibility, fill the header used in Customized Inference API may not be easy for general users. Therefore, if you wish to provide simple APIs to your users, User Define API will be your best choice.

User Define API supposed to be a simple API function which is composed by those things you need to do under Customized Inference. Not only user defined inference send and receive can be created by User Define API, but also user defined command can be joined by User Define API.

The kl520_demo_user_define_api is to show you how to use the User Define API:

  1. For inference: kp_app_yolo_inference_send() and kp_app_yolo_inference_receive().

  2. For command: kp_app_yolo_get_post_proc_parameters() and kp_app_yolo_get_post_proc_parameters().

All these 4 API functions are implemented by Customized API, please refer the documents in Customize API section for more information.

Note: Multiple calls of kp_app_yolo_inference_send() without any call of kp_app_yolo_inference_receive() may cause the system stuck.

$ sudo ./kl520_demo_user_define_api
connect device ... OK
upload firmware ... OK
upload model ... OK
get post-process parameters ... OK
set post-process parameters ... OK
read image ... OK

starting inference loop 100 times:
recover post-process parameters ... OK

detectable class count : 80
box count : 2
Box 0 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 44.7, 57.0, 92.7, 195.5, 0.965018, 0
Box 1 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 121.8, 68.4, 218.3, 184.7, 0.997959, 2

output bounding boxes on 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224.bmp'

3. Parallel Usage Control Examples

3.1 Multiple Threads Usage Example

Note: This example is only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

In the previous inference related examples, sending images to device and receiving results from device are running sequentially.

However, sending images and receiving results can be done in different threads to maximum the processing speed.

The kl520_demo_generic_inference_multithread is an example for showing how to put sending image to device and receiving results from device into two different threads.

$ sudo ./kl520_demo_generic_inference_multithread
connect device ... OK
upload firmware ... OK
upload model ... OK
read image ... OK

starting inference loop 100 times:
number of output node : 2

node 0:
width: 7:
height: 7:
channel: 255:
number of data (float): 12495:
first 20 data:
    1.359, 0.340, 0.510, -0.510, 0.170, 0.340,
    -0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 0.510, 0.679,
    0.679, 0.679, 0.510, 0.000, 0.340,
    0.510, 0.510, 0.340, 0.000,

node 1:
width: 14:
height: 14:
channel: 255:
number of data (float): 49980:
first 20 data:
    0.874, -0.349, -0.175, 0.000, 0.000, -0.175,
    0.175, 0.349, -0.175, 0.175, -0.175,
    0.000, -0.175, -0.699, 1.398, 1.048,
    1.048, 0.874, 0.524, 0.699,

dumped node 0 output to 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224_node0_7x7x255.txt'
dumped node 1 output to 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224_node1_14x14x255.txt'

total inference 100 images
time spent: 2.00 secs, FPS = 50.0

3.2 Drop Frame Usage Example

Note: This example is only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

This example belongs to OpenCV examples. Please build Kneron PLUS with OpenCV.

If the camera produces frames faster than device inference, displaying frames from camera may be delayed by the inference speed since sending image to device may be blocked when buffer of device is full.

kl720_demo_cam_generic_inference_drop_frame is an example for showing how to use kp_inf_configuration_t and kp_inference_configure() config device to drop frame if the buffer is full.

The image display FPS raised from 25.76 (without drop frame) to 30.13 (with drop frame).

4. Model Zoo Examples

Model Zoo examples simply show one image inference via different pre-trained models.

The model backbones are available and could be retrained for specific need.

Please refer to Model Zoo section for more information.

$ sudo ./kl720_kn-model-zoo_generic_inference_post_yolov5
connect device ... OK
upload model ... OK
read image ... OK

starting inference loop 1 times:

inference loop is done

detectable class count : 80
box count : 18
Box 0 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 371.0, 354.0, 510.0, 747.0, 0.805185, 0
Box 1 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 742.0, 60.0, 794.0, 211.0, 0.515536, 0
Box 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 87.0, 31.0, 135.0, 76.0, 0.265722, 0
Box 3 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 89.0, 189.0, 121.0, 300.0, 0.208385, 0
Box 4 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 373.0, 516.0, 480.0, 763.0, 0.528667, 1
Box 5 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 139.0, 146.0, 474.0, 449.0, 0.805632, 2
Box 6 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 458.0, 149.0, 719.0, 346.0, 0.762070, 2
Box 7 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 173.0, 2.0, 319.0, 94.0, 0.731227, 2
Box 8 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 706.0, 186.0, 799.0, 489.0, 0.726494, 2
Box 9 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 95.0, 117.0, 290.0, 315.0, 0.717568, 2
Box 10 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 244.0, 44.0, 407.0, 163.0, 0.661910, 2
Box 11 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 428.0, 115.0, 623.0, 233.0, 0.656740, 2
Box 12 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 37.0, 79.0, 175.0, 277.0, 0.581318, 2
Box 13 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 0.0, 53.0, 33.0, 156.0, 0.493920, 2
Box 14 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 24.0, 79.0, 132.0, 212.0, 0.245957, 2
Box 15 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 319.0, 0.0, 449.0, 152.0, 0.303165, 7
Box 16 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 235.0, 43.0, 410.0, 161.0, 0.226067, 7
Box 17 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 0.0, 636.0, 62.0, 686.0, 0.206850, 8

output bounding boxes on 'output_one_bike_many_cars_800x800.bmp'

5.1 Debug Flow Example

Note: This feature and example are only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

This example is to demonstrate the usage of kp_dbg_set_enable_checkpoints() and kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data(). And the diagram below shows the flow of this two APIs for single model usage.

There are three check points can be set by kp_dbg_set_enable_checkpoints():

If KP_DBG_CHECKPOINT_BEFORE_PREPROCESS is set, the image sent by `kp_xxx_inference_send() will be retrieved by kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data().

If KP_DBG_CHECKPOINT_AFTER_PREPROCESS is set, the image which has been performed pre-process will be retrieved by kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data().

If KP_DBG_CHECKPOINT_AFTER_INFERENCE is set, the raw output data of the model will be retrieved by kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data().

After all debug data have been retrieved, kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data() will receive data with status KP_DBG_CHECKPOINT_END_37 to notify the debug process has finished.

Note: If you are using multiple models, kp_dbg_receive_checkpoint_data() may need to be called more times than the diagram shows.

$ sudo ./kl520_demo_customize_inf_single_model_debug
connect device ... OK
upload firmware ... OK
upload model ... OK
read image ... OK
debug enable checkpoints ... OK
send one image for inference ... OK

before-pre_process data:
image x, y = (0, 0)
image width, height = (800, 800)
img_format = 0x60 (kp_image_format_t)
inference model ID = 19
image data (hex) = 0x 3D.E7.3D.E7.3D.E7.3D.E7.3C.E7 ...

after-pre_process data:
image width, height = (224, 224)
img_format = 0xd (kp_image_format_t)
inference model ID = 19
image data (hex) = 0x ...

before-cpu data:
inference model ID = 19
total raw output size = 14336 bytes
number of nodes = 1
    node 0:
    - width = 7
    - height = 7
    - channel = 128
    - radix = 3
    - scale = 1.667
    - npu data layout = 16W1C8B
raw output (hex) = 0x FF.FD.FD.FE.FF.00.15.0B.FE.FF ...

after-cpu data:
inference model ID = 19
total raw output size = 28672 bytes
number of nodes = 1
    node 0:
    - width = 14
    - height = 14
    - channel = 128
    - radix = 2
    - scale = 1.667
    - npu data layout = 16W1C8B
raw output (hex) = 0x FF.FF.FD.FD.FD.FD.FE.FE.FF.FF ...

after-inference data:
inference model ID = 19
total raw output size = 85680 bytes
number of nodes = 2
    node 0:
    - width = 7
    - height = 7
    - channel = 255
    - radix = 2
    - scale = 1.472
    - npu data layout = 16W1C8B
    node 1:
    - width = 14
    - height = 14
    - channel = 255
    - radix = 2
    - scale = 1.431
    - npu data layout = 16W1C8B
raw output (hex) = 0x 0A.01.00.FE.FE.FE.FA.0C.FA.FC ...
got the end of debug loop ... OK
receive inference result ... OK

5.2 Execution Time Profiling Example

Note: This feature and example are only provided in Kneron PLUS v1.3.0 and above.

This example is to demonstrate the usage of kp_profile_set_enable() and kp_profile_get_statistics(). And the diagram below shows the flow of this two APIs for single model usage.

Unlike Debug Flow, kp_profile_get_statistics() does not need to be called between kp_xxx_inference_send() and kp_xxx_inference_receive(). It only needs to be call after one or more inferences are completed.

Therefore, kp_xxx_inference_send() and kp_xxx_inference_receive() can be called multiple times between kp_profile_set_enable() and kp_profile_get_statistics().

The pre-process time, inference time, and post-process time are the sum of these time in each inference.

$ ./kl520_demo_customize_inf_single_model_profile
connect device ... OK
upload firmware ... OK
upload model ... OK
read image ... OK
enable profile ... OK

starting inference loop 100 times:
inference loop completed.

number of models: 1
    - model_id = 19
    - inf_count = 100
    - cpu_op_count = 1
    - avg_pre_process_ms = 1.31
    - avg_inference_ms = 18.00
    - avg_cpu_op_ms = 1.00
    - avg_cpu_op_per_cpu_node_ms = 1.00
    - avg_post_process_ms = 2.00

detectable class count : 80
box count : 6
Box 0 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 44.7, 57.0, 92.7, 195.5, 0.965018, 0
Box 1 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 42.7, 94.5, 99.9, 210.8, 0.465116, 1
Box 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 121.8, 68.4, 218.3, 184.7, 0.997959, 2
Box 3 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 86.8, 83.5, 130.9, 117.9, 0.499075, 2
Box 4 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 27.7, 77.4, 55.1, 100.0, 0.367952, 2
Box 5 (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class) = 1.1, 83.7, 49.8, 180.9, 0.229727, 2

output bounding boxes on 'output_bike_cars_street_224x224.bmp'