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kp.v1.inference (Legacy Module)

kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_bypass_pre_proc_receive(device_group, generic_raw_image_header, model_nef_descriptor)

Generic raw inference bypass pre-processing receive. When an image inference is done, this function can be used to get the results in RAW format. Note that data received is in Kneron RAW format, users need kp.inference.generic_inference_retrieve_float_node()/kp.inference.generic_inference_retrieve_fixed_node() to convert RAW format data to floating-point/fixed-point data.

kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_bypass_pre_proc_send(device_group, generic_raw_image_header, image_buffer)

Generic raw inference bypass pre-processing send. This is to perform a single image inference, it is non-blocking if device buffer queue is not full. When this is performed, user can issue kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_bypass_pre_proc_receive() to get the result. In addition, to have better performance, users can issue multiple kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_bypass_pre_proc_send() then start to receive results through kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_bypass_pre_proc_receive().

kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_receive(device_group, generic_raw_image_header, model_nef_descriptor)

Generic raw inference receive. When an image inference is done, this function can be used to get the results in RAW format. kp.inference.generic_inference_retrieve_float_node()/kp.inference.generic_inference_retrieve_fixed_node() to convert RAW format data to floating-point/fixed-point data.

kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_send(device_group, generic_raw_image_header, image, image_format)

Generic raw inference send. This is to perform a single image inference, it is non-blocking if device buffer queue is not full. When this is performed, user can issue kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_receive() to get the result. In addition, to have better performance, users can issue multiple kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_send() then start to receive results through kp.v1.inference.generic_raw_inference_receive().