How to Interpret Fixed-Point Report

After running the fixed-point analysis step described in the toolchain manual, you would find model_fx_report.html. This document describes how to interpret the report. The report is divided into two sections: summary and node information table.


The summary will show the ip evaluator information. Below are some examples of report:

Figure 1. Summary for platform 520, mode 0 (ip evaluator only)

Figure 2. Summary for platform 530, mode 0 (ip evaluator only)

Figure 3. Summary for platform 520, mode 1 (with fix model generated)

Figure 4. Summary for platform 730, model 2 (with fix model generated and snr check.)

name explaination availability
docker_version the version of the toolchain docker for this report
comments extra information
input bitwidth customer set input bitwidth: int8 or int16
output bitwidth customer set output bitwidth: int8 or int16
datapath bitwidth customer set data bitwidth (or activation bitwidth): int8 or int16
weight bitwidth customer set weight bitwidth: int8 or int16 or int4. int4 only for certain HW.
fps estimated frame per second.
ITC estimated inference time.
RDMA bandwidth set effective peak RDMA bandwidth based on HW
WDMA bandwidth set effective peak WDMA bandwidth based on HW
GETW bandwidth set effective peak weight loading bandwidth based on HW
RV Total data load (except weight load) from DDR in one inference
WV Total data write to DDR in one inference
cpu node CPU node in model will be listed here if any cpu node exists
SNR(dB) The snr of fix point model inferenced results. mode 2 and 3
btm_dynasty_path path to inferenced results mode 2 and 3
btm check the bit-true-match between dynasty and csim inference mode 2 and 3
bie generated bie file (fix point model) for dynasty inference mode 1/2/3
nef generated nef file (fix point model) for csim / dongle inference mode 1/2/3
gen fx model report file name of this report

Node information table

Figure 5. Node details for platform 520, mode 0 (ip evaluator only).

Figure 6. Node details for platform 530, mode 0 (ip evaluator only).

Figure 7. Node details for platform 520, mode 1 (with fix model generated).

Figure 8. NOde details for platform 730, mode 2 (with fix model generated and snr check).

column explanation availability
node model operation node name after node fusion and decomposition
SNR SNR score between fix point model and orignal model (per layer) every layer for mode 3 and only output layer for mode 2
node origin corresponding operation node name in original onnx before node fusion and decomposition
type NPU / FUSED / CPU
node backend corresponding backend node name
CMD_node_idx index of command node below info not available for 520
bw in / bw out / bw weight input / output / weight bitwidth for this node mode 1 / 2 / 3
MAC_cycle MAC engine runtime cycle number for this backend node.
MAC_runtime(ms) MAC engine runtime for this backend node.
RDMA_amount(Byte) RDMA amount for this backend node.
WDMA_amount(Byte) WDMA amount for this backend node.
Weight_amount(Byte) weight amount for this backend node.
runtime(ms) operator runtime.
in_fmt / out_fmt input/output data formats. If only one input/output or multiple inputs/outputs with same format, the only format will be shown. If multiple formats for this node, then the details will be listed as “FORMAT1:IN1,IN2 FORMAT2:IN3”.