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5. NEF Workflow

The nef file is the binary file after compiling and can be taken by the Kneron hardware. But unlike the utilities mentioned above, the process in this chapter can compile multiple models into one nef file. This process is call batch process. In this chapter, we would go through how to batch compile and how to verify the nef file.

5.1. Batch Compile

Batch compile turns multiple models into a single binary file. We have two APIs for batch compiling. The nef file path will be returned from both functions.

ktc.compile(model_list, output_dir="/data1/kneron_flow", dedicated_output_buffer=True, weight_compress=False)

Compile the models and generate the nef file. The nef path will be returned.


ktc.encrypt_compile(model_list, output_dir="/data1/kneron_flow", dedicated_output_buffer=True, mode=None, key="", key_file="", encryption_efuse_key="", weight_compress=False)

Compile the models, generate an encrypted nef file. The nef path will be returned.


We would start with single model first.

The return value is the path for the generated nef file. By default, it is under /data1/batch_compile. It takes a list of ktc.ModelConfig object as the input model_list. The usage of kt.ModelConfig can be found in section 3.2. Note that the ModelConfig onject must have bie file inside. In details, it must be under either of the following status: the ModelConfig is initialized with bie_path, the ModelConfig is initialized with onnx_model or onnx_path but it have successfully run analysis function.

For the MobileNet V2 example, please check the code below. Note that km is the ktc.ModelConfig object we generate in section 3.2 and quantized in the section 4.

compile_result = ktc.compile([km])

For multiple models, we can simply extend the model list. Note that the model IDs in the list should be different and the platform should be the same. For example, we can batch compile the current MobileNet V2 with a LittleNet:

# Prepare LittleNet BIE. Note that we skip the verification steps and only used 1 quantization image since we only want to use the bie as another example input and do not cares about its precision.
km_2 = ktc.ModelConfig(32770, "0001", "720", onnx_path="/workspace/examples/LittleNet/LittleNet.onnx")

def preprocess_2(input_file):
    image = Image.open(input_file)
    image = image.convert("RGB")
    img_data = np.array(image.resize((112, 96), Image.BILINEAR)) / 255
    img_data = np.transpose(img_data, (2, 1, 0))
    img_data = np.expand_dims(img_data, 0)
    return img_data

input_images_2 = [
input_mapping_2 = {"data_out": input_images_2}

# Quantization
km_2.analysis(input_mapping_2, threads = 4)

# Here we do the batch compiling.
batch_compile_result = ktc.compile([km, km_2])

Note that for multiple models, all the models should share the same hardware platform and the model ID must be different.

5.2. E2E Simulator Check (Hardware)

After compilation, we need to check if the nef can work as expected.

We would use ktc.kneron_inference here again. And we are using the generated nef file this time.

For the batch compile with only MobileNet V2, the python code would be like:

hw_results = ktc.kneron_inference(input_data, nef_file=compile_result, input_names=["images"], platform=720)

The usage is a little different here. In the code above, hw_results is a list of result data. nef_file is the path to the input nef. input_data is a list of input data after preprocess. The requirement is the same as in section 3.3. If your platform is not 520, you may need an extra parameter platform, e.g. platform=720 or platform=530. The input_names is a list of string mapping the input data to specific input on the graph using the sequence.

Here we use the same input input_data which we used in section 3.3. And the compile_result is the one that generated with only Mobilenet V2 model.

As mentioned above, we do not provide any postprocess. In reality, you may want to have your own postprocess function in Python, too.

For nef file with mutiple models, we can specify the model with model ID:

hw_results_2 = ktc.kneron_inference(input_data, nef_file=batch_compile_result, input_names=["images"], model_id=32769, platform=720)

After getting the hw_results and post-process it, you may want to compare the result with the fixed_results which is generated in section 4.2 to see if the results match. If the results mismatch, please contact us direcly through forum https://www.kneron.com/forum/.

5.3. NEF Combine (Optional)

This section is not part of the normal workflow. But it would be very useful when you already have multiple nef files, some of which might from different versions of the toolchain, and you want to combine them into one. Here we provide a python API to achieve it.

ktc.combine_nef(nef_path_list, output_path = "/data1/combined")

Below is the API. The return value is the output folder path.


Here is an usage example. Suppose you have three 520 nef files: /data1/model_32769.nef, /data1/model_32770.nef and /data1/model_32771.nef. Then you can use the following code to combine them. The result is "/data1/combined/models_520.nef"

#[Note] The nef files in this example is not really provided.
ktc.combine_nef(['/data1/model_32769.nef', '/data1/model_32770.nef', '/data1/model_32771.nef'], output_path = "/data1/combined")

Please note that nef files for 720 hardware generated using the default configuration after toolchain v0.20.0 cannot be combined with the nef files generated previously. This is caused by the default setting for flatbuffer has been changed from False to True for the 720 hardware.